Three unique design characteristics of Ara Almelo

Ara Almelo is signed by its eye-catching architecture that contributes to biodiversity without compromising on logistics functionality. A true showpiece of XL Business Park Twente. Allow Diederik de Jonge, Senior Architect at Heembouw Architecten to explain three unique design characteristics.

1. The ecological screen
The first thing you will notice is the ecological screen and its sheer size. It measures almost 14.5 meters high and is close to one kilometer long. The idea for the ecological screen was conceived in close cooperation with the landscape architect, climbing plant specialist, ecologist, and structural engineer. The contribution of these experts has resulted in this unique design and the optimization of the plot. To achieve the most optimal growing conditions for each plant that’s growing on the Ecolocial screen, more than 1000 computer simulations have been generated. By combining the knowledge of every specialist involved, we determined the ideal composition of Nature with optimal growth patterns year-round.
“Carefully mapping blooming periods, nectar values, growth habits, and the placement of ecological screen components in terms of the position of the sun, has been the basis for situating the enormous variation of climbing plants in such a way that they will provide adequate nutrition and shelter for local fauna year-round.”
Landscape designer, Annemieke Langendoen,

The flora planted on the ecological screen grew up to nine meters within six months.
2. Framing the view
The window frames, carefully centered on the corners of the building, are made from sustainable Plato wood. They serve a wide view from the inside out and they will age beautifully, thereby giving character to the building. But, most notably, the design allows it to be organically integrated into the ecological screen; contributing to the warm appeal of the destination once Nature took over the ecological screen.

3. Bringing the outside in
The ecological screen serves for an inside and outside world. The outside world is fully nature-inclusive. The inside world is fully focused on logistical efficiency, yet inspiring. Behind the characteristic ecological screen, the inside world contains offices, distribution warehouses, and parking spaces.
The entrance of Ara Almelo aligns with our four brand pillars, allowing our identity to be recognizable from the outside in. Materializations and the shape of the ecological screen are reflected in the design of the entrance and elsewhere. All installations have been covered in a white coating. The windows provide extra daylight in the working environment. This makes the ecological screen visible from all over the inside world, allowing people to experience Nature as an integrated part of their stay; all contributing to a destination where people want to be.

Moving from render image on the left, to reality on the right.